Saturday, July 14, 2007

LoDa Art Walk

Chesser Gallery, originally uploaded by bamaphan79.

Amy and I walked down to Dauphin Street to check out the monthly LoDa Art Walk, where you can bounce from gallery to gallery and look at some really great artwork. This gallery, the Chesser Gallery, closed early, at 8, and started actually turning people away. As Amy put it, "They must not like money." Lucky for us, we got in at 5 till 8, and were able to see the art, but at the prices they were asking, you'd think they would've stayed open a little longer to try and sell some more art. Oh well. This was shot "from the hip," which is fun when trying to get candids, like the woman with the baby, who I'm pretty certain is looking at me wondering what exactly it is that I'm doing.

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