Saturday, July 7, 2007

Industry in Mobile

Industry in Mobile, originally uploaded by bamaphan79.

I'm going to stop calling this the "Photo of the Day" for a few reasons. One, I don't want to have the pressure of actually coming up with a photo each day, and two, as is evidenced by the forthcoming slew of photos that I took today (not to mention the couple I've already posted from last weekend), sometimes I wanna show more than one photo. So, with that said, Amy and I took off on a ride this afternoon to check on Julius and get her out of the house. We ended up near the shipyards across the river from downtown Mobile after we saw that the Carnival cruise ship Holiday was in port and we wanted to see if we could wait around for them to take off for Mexico. It took some looking, but we found a great spot without "no trespassing" signs along the Mobile River where we could see the ship, the convention center and the RSA Tower all at once. As the boat took off from the cruise terminal, people were waving at us, the only two people along the industrial sector that overlooks the skyline. Enjoy.

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