Monday, July 23, 2007

Attack of the Shonny Monster

Attack of the Shonny Monster, originally uploaded by bamaphan79.

Amy, Sean and I took a weekend away from our daily lives and spent a few days enjoying the beach life along Hwy. 30-A in Florida. When we arrived Friday night, we met up with our cousin David at his place and quickly made our way down to the beach to enjoy the light show that Mother Nature was performing out on the Gulf of Mexico. I set up the camera and tripod (after deciding that the lightning was far enough away) and start shooting away. At one point, Sean decided to go out and destroy some sand forts that had been built during the day, and this shot happened to come at the same time as a lightning strike, making the photo seem almost as if Godzilla is crushing a small Martian village during the end times. Fun stuff. Anyway, below is a selection of photos from the weekend, and click here for even more.

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