Saturday, February 9, 2008

I finally got a Facebook

It's sad, but Apple has the uncanny ability to throw a commercial on the TV and make me suddenly want something I didn't so much care about before I saw the silly ad. For instance, their most recent commercial, the one about Facebook, made me actually want to go check out Facebook and sign up for one. Thankfully, it's free. I'm hooked already. As my friend Shane put it, it's like MySpace for grownups. I'm not enlightened by any means — if anything, I'm way behind the curve — but between the blog here, my pictures on Flickr, music on Pandora, shared items from Google Reader, and now all of it tied together in one handy spot, I'm gonna be hooked on updates, I'm afraid.

Anyway, all that to suggest that if you haven't checked out some of these sites, you should — you might enjoy them. There are links over on the right to each of the services I use, so go explore! The more I explore, the cooler I discover all this stuff really is. And now I'll stop babbling about the InterWebs. More posts to come!

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