Monday, February 11, 2008

Creating accountability

I realized recently that I don't take credit a lot of times when the work I produce at my job is below average. I'm more than happy to post the good pages to my online portfolio, but I rarely even acknowledge the ones into which I don't really feel I put my best effort.

I think because of that, I'm more prone to just put a page together when the muse hasn't visited me on any given day. Mediocrity at work is not my goal. Therefore, I'm planning to start posting all of my weekly pages on this blog along with, on occasion, any sort of description of the page, what I think I did right and what I think didn't work all that well. This way, even if no one reads this or even looks at my pages, I can at least pretend that I'm making myself accountable to someone, even if that someone is just me.

So, the first installment comes from Sunday. It's a bit of a stray from my original intent for this blog — I'm actually quite proud of this design — but I think it's a good start just the same. The main story was about a new art gallery at South Alabama, the first one that's been dedicated solely as a gallery of their own. They call it their "dedicated space," and the photography wasn't all that great, so I decided to interpret what I thought "dedicated space" might be. Each element's space was thought out in great detail, and I think the final product turned out nice. Any thoughts?

Feb. 5, 2008

1 comment:

Liss said...

I think you could've kept the bigger body copy going until the jump for the CP story. It looks just a little awkward to me to have the gap between the bigger typ and the smaller type, but otherwise I think it looks like a really nice design.