Friday, March 14, 2008

I need your help

Hello readers of this blog. I try not to send along links for causes and whatnot because I'd rather not come across as someone constantly asking for help.

But today, I ask for some help. Follow this link and sign your name. Make some comments if you wish, but the name and e-mail are the important part.

Mobile, the city in which I've lived for nearly four years now, is on the brink of some really great things. The recent news of the Air Force's decision to have Northrup-Grumman and EADS build its next generation of air refueling tankers is the second piece of incredible economic news to come down the pipes in the last year. And lawmakers in Kansas and Washington (the homes of Boeing) are working hard to overturn the contract. Their motives are self-serving and arrogant; this decision was made over a 6-year period. Where were the outcries in the last 6 years? Boeing was so certain they would get the contract that they didn't make a big deal of it until after they failed to give better results in 4 of the Air Force's 5 criteria set forth at the beginning of the bidding process.

There are plenty of stories and facts to peruse on the site. Please take a moment to support American workers constructing and American aircraft for American fighters on American soil.



1 comment:

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