Saturday, June 23, 2007

Haunted House

Haunted House, originally uploaded by bamaphan79.

Saturday, June 23, 2007. We took an after-dinner walk around Amy's neighborhood and saw some houses along Dauphin Street that are so hidden, you might not even know they're there if you drive by. This one was rather downtrodden, and had a real haunted feel. Filter: Alien Exposure Tri-X 400 Pushed 1 Stop.

1 comment:

Bdoon said...


I an an expatriate NYC Metro in MD and when I go back I realize I am missing little. However, in the summer when I go to NYS, nw Jersey of NEngland I realize how much I am missing. Sure Hatteras is nicer than Cape Cod and living near DC has its advantages but what down here or in W Va or VA compares with Adirondacks, Berkshires or Maine, especially in early October?