Thursday, May 29, 2008

Woah, I still HAVE a blog?

Sorry for the infrequency of posts. Actually, the complete and utter lack of posts at all should be what I'm apologizing for. Quite a bit has been going on in my life lately, and getting photos and updates up on the Web has kinda fallen toward the back of the priority list. Hopefully I'll be able to give some nice thorough updates here in the near future.

I was trying to figure out how far back it's been since I've actually added photos to Flickr. Pretty far, which isn't any fun because it seems to take forever to catch up, especially if I want to keep on shooting.

I decided to start off with a selection of photos from the Easter Sunday crawfish boil(s) we had at Amy's dad's house in Denham Springs (and again on our back patio in Mobile). I learned a lot about boiling those tasty little suckers up and look forward to trying my hand at it next year. The experience made for some great photos by Amy, who Amy was diligently snapping away throughout the day.

No room for escape
The crawfish wait for their unhappy fate

Crawfish Boil in Denham Springs
Preparation Begins

Washing Mushrooms
Mushrooms are washed

Adding some spice
I add spice as Wiley laughs at me

Crawfish Boil in Denham Springs
I stir, and Wiley continues to laugh

The Purge
We purge the second batch

Crawfish Boil in Denham Springs
And the first batch is done

Ash, Jeri, Wiley and me around the table
Enjoying the first batch

For more photos of the great Easter Sunday crawfish boil, visit the Crawfish! set on Flickr.