Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas in Midtown

Christmas in Midtown, originally uploaded by bamaphan79.

I set out Sunday evening to shoot one of the houses along Dauphin Street that I'd seen all decked out in Christmas lights. As is my luck, only half the lights were lit that night, but I got some fun stuff nonetheless. Click on the photo for more.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A weekend in Mississippi

Amy and I got away to our country getaway, also known as my brother's Mississippi "plantation," this past weekend and really had a blast just sitting around the fire, enjoying a party pig of Amberjaque beer from Lazy Magnolia and staying up all night to catch a foggy sunrise along the railroad tracks near Edwards. Here are some shots from the morning.

Waiting Train at Sunrise

Union Pacific at Mile 126

Tracks to Nowhere


Monday, December 3, 2007

More George Sinzer goodness

I shared some videos the other day from 13-plus years ago, when a young Danny Murphy was behind the camera at Continental Cablevision studios in Peekskill for the classic string of "Sinzer Reports" television shows. As promised, here's some more George goodness, although this seems a little more recent, yet decidedly just as disturbing. Enjoy.

Take me to the USS PEEKSKILL!!!!