Thursday, August 23, 2007

Touching base

I haven't been updating much lately. It's been too hot to go out and shoot many photos, and the whole moving into a house thing has sort of kept me busy, but fear not. Things are about to get cooler and more fun, so the blog will certainly be updated a bit more often.

As I'd hoped, writing a blog to document an approaching hurricane did a great deal to keep it far far away from Mobile. Perhaps the next time one forms, I'll post again. Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone.


Sunday, August 5, 2007

Saturday in Bay St. Louis

Open, originally uploaded by bamaphan79.

Amy and I cruised over to Bay St. Louis, Miss., on Saturday to hang out with her sister, Ashley. We drove around, gawked at the destruction still clearly evident nearly 2 years after Katrina, ate some good food, and stopped at some art museums and stores. All in all, a really fun day. For a slideshow, click here.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

I may work at the bottom, but I drink at the top

Callaghan's Irish Social Club
If you've ever come to visit me here in Mobile, you've probably been to Callaghan's Irish Social Club, where I spend occasional evenings with a Guinness and a cheeseburger, mulling over the fact that I work in the 7th-least prestigious job you can have.

While my job may be near the bottom, Callaghan's is at the top -- of Esquire Magazine's list of America's best bars. Stop by and rate it. I gave it 100. And if you haven't had the chance to go, then get on down here!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hello from the bottom of it all

I feel so .. Rodney Dangerfield. As a journalist, I discovered today that I'm in the bottom 10 "prestige jobs," according to Editor and Publisher. Kind of sad, really. Only seven occupations rank below me: union leader, stockbroker, entertainer, accountant, banker, actor and real estate agent/broker. So, what does one do without prestige? I, for one, will continue at it until something better comes along. Meanwhile, stop by my store and buy something. :-)