Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Photo of the Day: Spot Free

Spot Free, originally uploaded by bamaphan79.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007. In preparation for the big weekend in Mississippi, I decided to take the car to the car wash to get it nice and shiny. My car was nearly spot free when I drove out. This photo wasn't manipulated with Photoshop.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Video of the Day

My first video for the Press-Register.

America's Junior Miss contestants battled it out for the title of most oysters eaten at Wintzell's Oyster House on Dauphin Street in downtown Mobile. The video was shot and edited by your's truly.


Stopped, originally uploaded by bamaphan79.

Sunday, June 24, 2007. OK, so two photos from Sunday evening. Before we made it to Brookley, we got caught at a really long train slicing Broad Street in two. The guy behind us got out and went to talk to the driver behind him, and as he was walking back, I managed to catch him in the sideview mirror.

Downtown, from Brookley

Downtown, from Brookley, originally uploaded by bamaphan79.

Sunday, June 24, 2007. After spending the majority of the day in the friendly confines of my air-conditioned apartment, we decided to take off as the sunlight slowly faded and see what we might find south of Interstate 10. While driving around what appeared to be "restricted access," we came across this view of downtown from Brookley Field, the downtown airport used mainly by shipping companies and Air Force One (W's famous "Brownie, yer doin' a heckuva job" quote occured at Brookley after Katrina). It was also where a large portion of Close Encounters of the Third Kind was filmed. I like this shot because it makes downtown look like a police state, although it most definitely isn't that.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Haunted House

Haunted House, originally uploaded by bamaphan79.

Saturday, June 23, 2007. We took an after-dinner walk around Amy's neighborhood and saw some houses along Dauphin Street that are so hidden, you might not even know they're there if you drive by. This one was rather downtrodden, and had a real haunted feel. Filter: Alien Exposure Tri-X 400 Pushed 1 Stop.

Photo of the Day: Callaghan's Irish Social Club

Callaghan's Irish Social Club, originally uploaded by bamaphan79.

Friday, June 22, 2007. Amy and I enjoyed a few tasty beverages (A black and tan and a Widmer, for those wondering) as well as a phenomenal (as always) cheeseburger. Callaghan's is my favorite bar/restaurant in Mobile. Tucked into the Oakleigh neighborhood in Midtown, the "Irish Social Club" is the place to be on St. Patrick's Day every year. The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick use the place as their "hq" and live music is not uncommon.

Photo of the Day: Sunset on the Bay

Sunset on the Bay, originally uploaded by bamaphan79.

June 21, 2007. Amy and I took the brand-spankin' new Nikon D80 camera out to the Causeway across Mobile Bay. The original thought was that we might see some pelicans diving for fish, as they're often apt to do around sunset, but alas, there weren't many pelicans looking for dinner. So, we set up camp in an old parking lot, where a gas station once stood before a hurricane named Katrina decided to change all that. I don't know if there's ever going to be another gas station on that spot again. Anyway, the view of the sunset over downtown Mobile from this particular spot is just fantastic, and the photos make themselves.